Kurdish Cuisine by Fariborz Hamzeh’ee: vol. II

هنر آشپزی کُرد Kurdish Cuisine byFariborz Hamzehee vol II

۲۰۰۹ An investigations about Culinary Culture & Cuisine Iranien peoples Kurdish Cuisine by Fariborz Hamzeh’ee, vol. II, Razi University Press,  Kermanshah

In this book a large number of recipes are presented which have been collected since 2002 and with the cooperation of a large number of people. These collected materials are from different regions or from among different south Kurdish ethnic groups such as the Faili of Ilam province, the Lakk, the Jāff, the Haurāmi, the Ardalān, the Kalhor and from the cities of Kermanshah and Kangāvar. In addition to the general introduction given in the first part about the general culture of the Kurds, in this second part.-before providing the recipes some short information regarding each ethnic group and town have been provided. This part is meant to be both for those who may like to try the recipes as well as for the scholars of different disciplines to study the Kurdish culture.

It is necessary to mention here that I have kept the recipes as they have been collected. For that sake I have left it for other scholars to find out the differences and similarities in cooking or the influence of high culinary culture of Iran and other subjects. Therefore even if a recipe is repeated several times I have kept it as it is. The only change made is in the language of the narration in which case it has been attempted to use one single stile of writing and a more fluent language; following my own way of writing in Persian.

 Introduction and table of contents of the book : Kurdish Cuisine vol I, II To download in PDF file

Kurdish Cuisine by Fariborz Hamzeh’ee: vol. II

Publication of the Organization for Indigenous Knowledge and Oral Traditions of Western Iran, No. 7

An investigations about Culinary Culture & Cuisine of Iranian peoples

Kurdish Cuisine

by Fariborz Hamzeh’ee

vol II

Razi University Press,  Kermanshah


هنر آشپزی کُرد Kurdish Cuisine byFariborz Hamzehee vol II
هنر آشپزی کُرد Kurdish Cuisine byFariborz Hamzehee vol II


Culinary Culture of the Kurds by Fariborz Hamzehee vol I
Culinary Culture of the Kurds by Fariborz Hamzehee vol I


An investigation about culinary culture of Iran

Culinary Culture of the Kurds by Fariborz Hamzeh’ee vol I

Kurdish Epic in Gurāni-Lakki verses|Razi University Press

This post is available: Persian English

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