Glimpses into Oral Culture and Traditions among Jȃf Kurds

Glimpses into Oral Culture and Traditions among Jȃf Kurds

“Jȃf” is a name given to previously one of the largest nomadic tribe confederations in Southern Kurdistan. Presently only a very small number of Jȃf Kurds may still follow the path of their ancestors and live a nomadic pastoral life. Majority of these people are now settled down in Kurdish regions in both sides of Iran-Iraq borders. Those in Iraq were once called Morȃdȋ Jȃfs, whereas those in Iran were called Juwȃnru Jȃfs.

In this study, except for a short presentation of the history, economics and society of this tribe, the rest is concentrated on the oral culture and traditions of that part of the Jȃf people living in Iranian parts of Kurdistan. Therefore in different capitals in this study, traditional clothing of Jȃf men and women, Proverbs, common and ceremonial culinary culture, traditional beliefs and superstitions, traditional wisdom, sport, language riddles and narrations are presented. In the last capital, a short theoretical discussion is made about the Jȃf tribe and people as well as their culture and ethnic identity.

کردان جافGlimpses into Oral Culture and Traditions among Jȃf Kurds
کردان جافGlimpses into Oral Culture and Traditions among Jȃf Kurds

of contents and book abstracts for download in PDF format: Glimpses into Oral Culture and Traditions among Jȃf Kurds

Publication of the Organization for Indigenous Knowledge and Oral Traditions of Western Iran, No. 17

Glimpses into

Oral Culture and Traditions


Jȃf Kurds

M. Reza Fariborz Hamzeh’ee

(PhD, Dr. phil, PD, Dr.habil.)

Razi University Press




This post is available: Persian English

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